We Need Your Support

We need your support.

Let’s Talk Women’s Health & Wellness™ is on a mission to ensure that ALL women have the tools, the knowledge, and the support they need to advocate for themselves and take charge of their own self care. From the top of our collective heads to the soles of our feet: mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

We hope you’ll join us as we “take a walk on the wellness side” at our all-day symposium, March 29, 2025 at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark. But we also need your financial support to help us get there. It would mean the world to us if you would consider making a donation now, so that we can continue to expand our mission and reach as many women in New Jersey as possible. 

Thank you!

Donation Form

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Join the Movement.

Sign up to receive updates about our upcoming events right here!
Plus, we’ll send you 30 Days to a Happier and Healthier YOU, a free download that provides a month’s worth of daily self-care activities to lift your spirits and make sure you’re feeling fabulous!
Homepage Contact Form

Join the Movement.

Sign up to receive updates about our upcoming events right here!
Plus, we’ll send you 30 Days to a Happier and Healthier YOU, a free download that provides a month’s worth of daily self-care activities to lift your spirits and make sure you’re feeling fabulous!
Homepage Contact Form